First baby born at Kikavu clinic

The first baby has been born at the Mother and Child clinic in Kikavu. Expansion of the clinic happened in June 2019, with additional training in midwifery being delivered in November and December 2019 by UK midwives and Dr Julian Brown. Two years on, following the global pandemic, we celebrate the news of a baby girl being born at the clinic on the 17th March 2022 at 15.30, weighing a healthy 3.5kg.  This was the mums first baby, and she arrived at the clinic from Kikavu village around 9am that morning and went on to be supported by the midwifery staff to have an uncomplicated labour and birth. In Tanzania newborns account for 40% of deaths among children under 5 according to the Centre for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) with only around 40% of health centres in Tanzania offering basic emergency obstetric and newborn care. The mother and child clinic is an imperative resource to this rural community, and we look forward to supporting and celebrating many more births.