Dental Hygiene Progress - 2019

A drop of 55.5% in recurrence of cavities in definitive teeth, 79.78% in primary teeth and a drop in 57.4% in the need for new fillings.

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From June to August 2019, dental screenings were made in the primary school of Kikavu Chini. As part of the school program, dental treatments have been made during 2018 and were evaluated in 2019 to control the oral health progress in each student during the school year.

The school dental program consists in delivering to each student a toothbrush that is changed every three months. Toothpaste is available at the teachers’ office. The teacher responsible for each classroom gives the students toothpaste after lunch and guides them on the right technique of brushing teeth.

The purpose is to have fewer cavities each year to show that the tooth brushing program and dental health awareness have been incorporated among the children and teachers. Comparing with the chart of 2018 the number of cavities in 2019 have decreased, therefore the number of fillings.

Comparing number of cavities in 2018 with the number of cavities in 2019, they can be seen as having decreased, therefore the number of fillings has decreased.

Since 2015, when Health Amplifier started the dental project at the Kikavu Chini Primary School, apart from dental screening and dental health education (including the drama group performance in 2018), the students received dental treatments in case of cavities, dental extractions that were possible to be done at the school and sealants in definitive and primary teeth to avoid future cavities.