Clinical Training

Training Kikavu's Midwifes And Nurses

The 19th of June 2019 was the official inauguration ceremony of the new building as part of the expansion of the Kikavu dispensary to become a health centre. The new construction has the diabetes clinic and the mother and child clinic. For that reason, it´s important to bring new knowledge to our nurses and midwives. During November and December 2019, Dr. Julian Brown with part of his medical staff from United Kingdom gave a week training to our Kikavu nurses and midwives. Rosie Hucklesby and Naomi Seaman oversaw teaching the course “Cares before, during and after delivery”

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Diabetes Care Training

Dr. Julian Brown taught the diabetes course together with his assistants Nicola Naylor and Chelsea Hindmarch. A new diagnostic and treatment approach were the topics addressed during this course, including the use of the Doppler and sensitivity tests, among others. The training was not only conducted to the medical and clinical officers of the clinic, also the nurses and midwives as part of an interdisciplinary perspective.

After two days training, the medical staff is ready to receive diabetic patients for a check-up. Through the dispensary, church and mosque, the diabetes clinic was announced. Patients from different locations came looking for diagnosis and treatment. With the holistic approach of treating diabetes on which it is based Health Amplifier, not only the patient’s drugs are prescribed. Changes in lifestyle such as diet and regular exercise are part of the therapy used, these small changes are the basis of the success of the treatment and prognosis
