
Currently the children are sharing one textbook between five students. We strongly believe students will be more motivated to learn if they can concentrate fully on the textbooks they are studying from. We are collaborating with the government to ensure that there will be enough textbooks for students to use in pairs. 



The importance of sport in school encompasses all the health benefits of being physical, as well as increasing self-esteem, motivation and concentration in classes. Currently, Kikavu School has a vast, rubble filled area for the children and balls are made from rags tied together with string. By being able to provide a safer area with nets for volleyball, netball and football the children will be more stimulated to play and exercise. This is something we hope to obtain funding for and implement fully at the start of 2018, for the new school year. 



Currently the children are sharing one textbook between five students. We strongly believe students will be more motivated to learn if they can concentrate fully on the textbooks they are studying from. We are collaborating with the government to ensure that there will be enough textbooks for students to use in pairs.